What Are You Doing About Annual System Maintenance?

Did you know that regular inspections of your heating and cooling systems keep your energy bills in check, prevents serious safety hazards, protects you from costly out-of-pocket expenses, and provides a number of other benefits? That is why, at E.A.C. Heating & Air, we offer priority customer maintenance plans.

Routine maintenance helps keep your systems operating reliably and enhances their total performance. Our NATE-certified and factory-trained technicians to come to your home on a regular basis to test, inspect, clean, and calibrate vital system components. Regular maintenance can locate small problems before they progress into serious issues and most manufacturers include a routine maintenance provision as part of their warranty coverage.

EAC Heating & Air Priority Customer Maintenance Plan

  • Two complete inspections, cleanings, adjustments or your cooling system and heating system
  • 15% discount on equipment repairs
  • No overtime charges
  • 24-hour service guarantee (or diagnostic fee waived)
  • BONUS – Ability to transfer the contract to a new owner or your new home

Here are some additional benefits:

  1. Lower Utility Bills – Keeping your system clean and in good repair helps reduce energy bills. Even minor build-up, like dirt, on your air conditioner’s evaporator coil can increase the systems energy use.
  2. Reduce HVAC Repair Expenses – During the inspection, technicians can identify any small problems before they become big ones.
  3. Longer Equipment Life – Just like an automobile, regular maintenance helps extend equipment life. Since your system cycles on and off all day long, it puts a tremendous amount of strain and stress on the system. Routine maintenance can make sure that your equipment can handle the loads day in and day out.
  4. A Safer Home – Your system has various moving parts that use electricity and sometimes fuel. Your heating system operates at temperatures that pose a fire hazard if not maintained. Regular system maintenance helps catch any potential safety issues and corrects them.
  5. Maintain a Valid Warranty – Most warranties on your furnace, air conditioner, or heat pump are contingent upon a professional inspection and regular maintenance. This applies to both parts and labor requirements. Keep your warranty valid through annual system maintenance.

Contact E.A.C. Heating & Air today to learn more about our exclusive Priority Customer Maintenance Plan!

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